Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Thursday 5 April 2012

Real love

What is it that the world is missing?

Think about it. Every now and then I see it... but usually only in a small way, and it doesn’t last for very long.

I’m talking about love, and not the can you scratch my back and ill scratch yours kind of love. But REAL love!

This Type of love is often thought to be heroism, when one person takes the bullet for another, or puts the burdens of the world on there shoulders simply because that person loves us.

‘You’re just talking about fairy tales and super heroes, no one would care enough to do anything like that for us!’

Ahh, well actually there is and it has been done. God sent is one and only son to die on the cross for us! That is why we celebrate Easter, sometimes with Easter we get so carried away with the Easter bunny and chocolate that we almost forget why we even have an Easter! I mean when I was writing in the dates for my calendar at the beginning of the year, I drew an Easter bunny over the Easter dates, and then I realised, WAIT!! That’s not why we celebrate Easter! Dangit! So I then drew in a think bubble above the bunny of the three crosses. And I actually ended up drawing something very meaning full.  But see what I mean? It is so hard to remember and celebrate things that God and Jesus have done when the world morphs and changes it to suit them. But in saying that there is nothing wrong with eating Easter eggs and celebrating Easter in that way, as long as you know in your heart. :)  

Why do we have Easter then?

Well we are all sinners, and because of that we need to ask for forgiveness.  So the unselfish, full of love Son of God, Jesus, died on the cross, he placed our sin’s on his shoulders so that we may be able to have a relationship with God. When Jesus died on that cross it created a bridge for any one seeking God and asking for forgiveness to cross! Isn’t that amazing!? When he died on the cross, he provided us with a means to cross over to God!

That is real love!! But don’t worry, Jesus did die, and did it for us but then three days after, he rose again! He came back from the dead! And rejoined his Father in heaven, he had finished the task set out for him... and now it is up to us to accept and share this undying, unselfish love with the world!

You can find the whole story in the Christian Bible in the book of John.

And don’t forget to dance and sing for the great things done for us! :)

He is a hero! He is love! He is God!

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