Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Sunday 4 August 2013

Emotional self harm.

I was laying in bed the other night and I was praying to God asking Him to show me where I need to get right with Him again, asking healing for my heart and saying how He is the only thing that can heal the broken hearted and bind their wounds. 
And as I was saying these things I talked about how He keeps bandaging me up giving me band-aid after band-aid and I just keep on falling, re-cracking and re-opening old wounds.
Then I stopped... Hold on! Re-opening an old wound, that is self harm!
Man I have been self harming myself emotionally. And it has been happening for years, crikey it just hit me! It was such a God thing, I have been self harming myself emotionally by re-opening and re-living old wounds that God has healed!
Which is pointless, as I'm just stepping backwards and digging a hole for myself. It's gone, it is over, it happened and God helped me through it, I survived and I am stronger and wiser because of it.
I just need to let go of that hurt and then turn my back on it, not only am I bringing myself down and creating more work as I have to keep going back to where I started, I am also creating more work for God! and that is just unfair!
Looking back on hard times on purpose and re-living the pain of them and bringing yourself down is just such a silly and pointless thing to do, and if you have just realized like me that you do this then please stop and think about what you are doing to yourself and also God.
I mean, God has this hole amazing plan for our lives, I can just see it, He is so excited telling us about the wonders yet to come and the triumphs that we will conquer with Him by our side and then He looks back at us and sees that we aren't even paying attention, because we are looking back and focusing on all the negative things that have happened and re-living them.
Now we are back to the beginning and so is God. Don't you see? there is a special path hand made by God for you, and it is right in front of you! So go on, start walking! You can't drive forwards and stare in the re-view mirror at the same time, and you can't walk into your wondrous future if you are looking behind you, because you will miss out on the present, the gift that God has for you!
I'm so great full to God for answering my prayer so quickly, I hadn't even said amen yet that's how quick! I am so blessed, I have many pains in life but so much more joy as God has filled my life with a rainbow after every storm and stars during the darkness!
And I know that God can do the same for your life if you will let Him. If you are having trouble with something in life or you have some questions then just pick a quiet place and ask Him and be honest. No harm in trying. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, sorry guys I have been having some technical issues with loading up the blogs, sorry for words cutting off and other annoying things. But it is what is written that counts. :)
