Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Give a gift that can't be re-paid.

Sometimes I think we just need to relax, breath in the fresh air, laugh until you have abbs, let your hair out, dance the night away!

Life is just flying by, I mean how many people actually look you in the face and smile when you are out? Not that many huh?

So many of us are just trying to get to where we need to be in a big rush that we forget or walk past things that are important and perhaps even more important for those you stop for. Sometimes things happen in our lives that can blind us from those that really need someone to notice them, and help.

Then the next minute, no second, life stops and you wonder what on earth you were doing in the past year or so that was more important than talking with a friend, so before this happens, stop for a second, enjoy life, party hard but sensibly, take of your shoes and walk on grass that has dew on it, wind down the window and smell the breeze! But most importantly stop to have a chat, for a friend, family, co-worker, even a stranger. There is only one thing in life that you can give that can never be re-paid, and that is time.

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