Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Following the crowd?

Today I took a walk before I had to go to uni, I had come up to some lights and I was waiting with a huge group of people at the lights for the green man to flash.

 I was waiting and waiting, then no cars were coming so a few of the people at the front of the group started walking across, then the whole group went except for me and two elderly people.

There were about twenty or more people standing at those lights and they just J-walked across without the green man flashing, it was safe to cross but I’d rather wait.

But I found it so interesting on how they all J-walked over just because a few of them started walking, and how many of them knew that they actually weren’t supposed to cross and where just following the crowd? They could have walked straight into danger simply because they followed the crowd instead of thinking for themselves.

I was gobsmacked at how the people standing near me and behind me just walked across because everyone else did. Out of about twenty or more people only three stayed and waited for the lights, only three didn’t follow that crowd.

It is no surprise that Jesus refers to us in the bible like sheep, and He is the shepherd. Sheep back then were a precious item, and the shepherd would spend all day and all night with them, guarding and protecting them from being stolen, eaten and from being lead astray.

Sometimes we think it is ok to do something, simply because everyone else is doing it, when actually, it may be wrong. If you have a feeling like you shouldn’t be doing something or following that crowd, then don’t do it!

Have a mind of your own, think! And most importantly ask God for guidance, He is always watching and protecting us, and seems to always have the best way for you to go with your best interest at heart. :)

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