The other night I was with some friends coming home from a
party. When we came over a hill on a main road and there were all these young
teenagers walking on the road! Yeah I know! Some of them moved but there was
this one girl who just kept walking with her head down in the middle of the
road, she didn’t even look back.
My friend beeped, but she still stayed there her head to the
ground walking, she wasn’t in harm’s way but as we got closer a boy from the
group darted in front of us and grabbed her swinging them out of the way. She wasn’t
going to be hit but this boy thought she would be and saved her.
No one else of the group even looked at her and there was a
huge group, except this one boy, who put himself in harm’s way to save her.
I think there are many of us that are like this girl, we
want and need to be saved but we want to pick who saves us, a lover or a mysterious
When right in front of us we have someone who wants to save
us... He has been waiting our whole lives!
His name is Jesus.
But He isn’t like any other rescuer, most hero’s save
someone then leave and all that person is left with is a memory.

No, no, He wants to save you, hold you, love you!
When Jesus saves you, He stays forever, but only if you let
Has He been calling you? I bet He has.
Don’t wait too long.
Are you ready to be saved?
Meet your Hero!
It’ll take your breath away!
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