Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

No Favourites.

It’s funny how dogs see people as equals, like no human is better than the other. :)
For example...
I was in a grooming competition the other day, so there were groups of groomers everywhere, and each one of us had a little table with our dog on it.
Anyways I am happily clipping my beautiful dog, Mr. T :D and then I look up and BONDI VET is standing next to me saying “hi”! I almost dropped; he is so hot and famous!! I did say hi back but when I realised who he was I went red!
But I noticed that even tho everyone knew who he was and how important/ famous he is, the dog just smiled and wagged his tail at him like he was totally equal to us!
And I believe that God looks at us in the same way, I’m not saying he is a dog wagging his tail! Haha
I mean he see’s us all as equals, God doesn’t pick and choose some, he has chosen all of us!

Dogs also have that amazing gift of knowing a person, knowing what is in their hearts, good or bad.
And this is the same as God too, he definitely knows what is in our hearts, so I’m not saying that God thinks those who do horrible things are the same as those who dont, but I’m saying that he won’t ignore you because He is busy listening to someone who is more popular than you, if anything God listens out for that little quite voice that the world ignores. :)

I have recently come across a  lady that thinks God favours her above other people. And I feel sorry for her, because anyone that thinks like that is crazy, it says in the bible to humble yourself in front of the Lord (James 4:6) I mean we do not deserve him, come on people I’m sorry but we don’t deserve His miraculous love, we are all sinners! But yet He see’s past that and continues to love us because of what Jesus has done.
God does not and will not play favourites!
There’s this quote I heard once saying, “God has no grandchildren, only children.”
Haha I thought it was brilliant, because I mean come on we all know that the grandkids are a little bit more popular aren’t they? They get more lollies and cuddles :)
But with God you never have to worry about being left out, because he won’t do that. He blesses us in all different ways, and puts us through little tests in different ways also. :)
He loves us all the same and his eyes are equally set on us all. :D

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