Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Friday, 15 July 2011


Ahh words, they can be so great sometimes but other times they can really hurt.
I don’t know who wrote the song, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Lol yer, used to sing that in like grade 3 and 5, and even then I was thinking it was a lie. :)
Words can be great, if said at the right time and by a certain person. Wow, it’s amazing how they can just go straight through you and to your heart.
And then there’s those words that just tear you apart and can change people.
It’s funny (not really) that we are all flesh and blood humans, but yet some of the easiest things that just roll of our tongues can ether bring someone to great success and make there day, or rip them down into depression.
As people we really really need to be careful on what we say to others.
Like I said before, a single sentence can simply be the making or ending of another.
 This might sound crazy, but it’s true, deep down we all have had the amazing moments of the right words, and we have all had the ones that just sting!
Sometimes I feel like I would rather be physically hurt then emotionally, lol, I think I would be able to get over it quicker. :)
But not only do we need to watch what we say to others, we also need to do our best to not get hurt by certain words as well, which is hard!

As I leave you with this, ask yourselves...
Have I said all the right things today to others?
And what haven’t I said that needs saying? :)

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