Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


What is beauty?
Is it a photograph of a model, in a soft black and white tinge that makes her cheeks look like soft snow, her hair falls softly onto her face, revealing her crystal eyes, that shine from the way the light perfectly sits on her face?
Maybe, but I see beauty as a far greater and more meaningful thing.
Beauty is not skin deep, it is far deeper!!
Beauty is the smile that you can’t get off your face because you are laughing too much. Beauty is when someone will do something for another completely and totally unselfishly, just for the other person.
Beauty is the feeling when you hangout with certain people in your life that you no don’t judge you, and you are completely and totally relaxed to just be yourself.
I’m like that with my little cousins and brother, when I’m with them time stops and we just have simple fun, I’m not thinking or worrying about being judged by the way I act and look.
The best times I’ve had with them is bush walking with our caps on, our hair free and wild, me with no makeup on, I’m wearing my daggy shorts, shoes and T-shirt. And even though I don’t look the best I can, I don’t care and those times I’ve spent with them, have been the best moments and times I have ever had.
And at Christmas, we go out on the street and we have a huge water fight with water guns :) and we have a ball!! And even though my mascara is running down my cheeks and foundation is dripping down my neck, I have never felt so beautiful!! I may not look it, but I felt it! :)
And that is what beauty is, it’s not the outside appearance or what you wear, it’s what you feel, and that smile you just can’t wipe of your face. :)

Friday, 22 July 2011


Have you ever noticed that in most Disney movies, especially, the classic ones, there is often a father in the story, and not a mother? I have, In beauty and the beast, Cinderella, little mermaid, Pocahontas, all of these Disney movies plus more have a father in it and no mother, and the father always gives warm hugs and great advise.
I believe this is because in Disney movies, it is a touch of happiness and a fairy tale, there’s the love and happily ever after, plus the fathers being there. Which unfortunately is rare in our society.
Good fathers are so hard to find, there are the monster fathers that make their children play games they don’t want to play. And the ones that abandonee there families and the ones that hit, and bash their children! Where is the LOVE!?
  What has happened to some of the men in this world? That they do such horrific things to their own children! It makes no sense to me. And what hope is that giving to the next fathers of the world?
 But there are some men in the world that make excellent fathers! And if you have a great father, then for-good-ne-sake appreciate him!! It is something quite rare, and special. And it makes me pretty cranky when people don’t appreciate what they have. :)
Now my father has Asperger syndrome, which is something in his brain that stops him from being able to do certain things in life, and one of these is to show love, so I’ve never had that hole father daughter connection with my real dad that others might have with there’s, and I know that there are a lot of other people that feel the same way as me. Now I’m not complaining! Don’t get me wrong.
But I have had a close encounter with some older men in my life, and I definitely see them as a father figure. And I felt a special connection with them, in a daughter father way. :) I’ve never had those feelings before, it was magical. Lol, and it took me a week or two to figure out what I was really feeling. :)
But it is the same feeling that I have with God :), we are all his sons and daughters and he loves us dearly, he wants to be there for us with warm hugs and advise, he hates it when were hurt and upset and he cries when we cry.
Not to mention that he is the perfect father, earthly fathers can still hurt you, but God won’t. :)
Plus he’s the king of kings, so technically that makes me a princess! And that’s awesome :D  

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Born this way?

Born this way?
Hmmm, actually, no. No-one is born the way they are, they become it.
Like, actually when you are born, you’re totally and completely innocent. You don’t have one wrong thought in your mind, you’re not thinking selfishly, you don’t know about murder and death, there are no swear words in your head, the world hasn’t perverted your mind yet.
Is that what life was meant to be like? Before the world scrunched it up and tried to squeeze every last good drop out of it? When we were young and innocent, was that a taste of what life was supposed to be, good, just and true?
Plus the way you were born is the way you are born, if you’re meant to be male, you’ll be born male, and if you’re meant to be female, you’ll be born female.
It’s not really until you reach your teens and little younger that you start to have bad thoughts and people try to find themselves (depending on your environment.)
The world gets inside everyone’s heads saying, “yes you can!” and it tells you it’s ok to do those things, because “you were born that way.” When actually more than likely you’re not! And you never were!
It’s your life experience and choices that make you who you are. Don’t listen to what the world wants you to do and be. Why don’t you just be the best kinda you! Listen to your heart and conscious, not the radio, TV and others.
If it feels wrong it most likely is, we weren’t given a conscious so we can practise not listening! :)
And if your still not sure then hangout with people that you know and feel do the right things, I’m not saying that you should be a goody goody two shoes all your life, where’s the fun in that!!
I’m talking about being wise about the much more important things in life, the ones when the choice you make is extremely important. Cause if you make the wrong discussion, it can really affect the rest of your life. :)
The choices you make today are very important! So be wise, and listen to your conscious, you weren’t born the way the world is telling you that you are! :)

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Past

Some say to forget about your past and move on.
Now I don’t agree with this, I believe that a person’s past is sacred, it is what makes people WHO they are.
I definitely know that without my past and what has happened in it, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
I’m not saying it’s easy, I’ve definitely had my moments when I’ve asked, “Why me?”
I now see how wrong I was. Because of my past, the good and the bad, it has made me, me.
But not just my past, also my choices!
Now I became a Christian, came to God, when I was three. Now that might sound odd, but I truly believe that it was meant to be. Cause if I hadn’t had God in my life, and the close relationship that we do have, MAN!! I would be pretty stuffed up; I don’t want to know who I could have been. :)
And because of my choices that I made with God, I am who I am now.
And I’m happy with that.
You hear of people who go through terrible times. And in the end it’s their choice on who they will become from it.
Some become amazing and inspirational people.
Then there’s others that fall down with their world and push everyone out. And it’s very sad, but I agree falling down and losing to hard times in life would be sooo much easier then standing up! Really would.
With my personality tho, I could never let that happen, I would feel weak! And I don’t want that ;) But in the back of my mind there’s always that option of giving up. It would be less work, but in the end, I want to be proud of myself and my choices! :)
So I say, remember your past, learn from it, and then move on :D

Friday, 15 July 2011


Ahh words, they can be so great sometimes but other times they can really hurt.
I don’t know who wrote the song, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Lol yer, used to sing that in like grade 3 and 5, and even then I was thinking it was a lie. :)
Words can be great, if said at the right time and by a certain person. Wow, it’s amazing how they can just go straight through you and to your heart.
And then there’s those words that just tear you apart and can change people.
It’s funny (not really) that we are all flesh and blood humans, but yet some of the easiest things that just roll of our tongues can ether bring someone to great success and make there day, or rip them down into depression.
As people we really really need to be careful on what we say to others.
Like I said before, a single sentence can simply be the making or ending of another.
 This might sound crazy, but it’s true, deep down we all have had the amazing moments of the right words, and we have all had the ones that just sting!
Sometimes I feel like I would rather be physically hurt then emotionally, lol, I think I would be able to get over it quicker. :)
But not only do we need to watch what we say to others, we also need to do our best to not get hurt by certain words as well, which is hard!

As I leave you with this, ask yourselves...
Have I said all the right things today to others?
And what haven’t I said that needs saying? :)

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Love to feel loved.

  Now before you read this, please, will you open your hearts and minds to what I have to say.       Thank you. :)

We all love to feel loved don’t we?
Love the feelings of someone thinking about us, and doing things for us outta love.
When your mum bakes you some cookies, your boyfriend or girlfriend gets you something out of the blue...
It is an awesome feeling, but when it comes to people, unfortunately, it sometimes doesn’t last very long. Your mum might be thinking of other things and not bake for you, your boyfriend or girlfriend drifts out of that faze of loving and thinking of you to bits.
And it hurts!
But, I know someone who has loved you to bits, even before you were born, he still dose to no matter who you are or what you have done!
Yer, I Know, what on earth am I talking about!? Who could possibly love me, that much!?
Well... God can, and he dose! He has always loved you and always will.
But common, why would he love me? I mean really?!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Did you read that! He loves you so much that he put his own son to die on the cross for you! and everyone else in the world.  (It’s ok, he rose again in three days)  :D
Sure parts of your life will suck, hello! Its life :) but God will help you through it, and will never put you in a situation that you can’t handle. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
And the amount of love he has for you and us will blow you away. God goes past what people see and look for, he goes to the most important part, he looks straight to your heart.  :)
But don’t just take my word for it, grab a bible and see for yourself on what love really is. :)

Monday, 11 July 2011


Why did we suck our thumb or dummy when we were younger?
Why did we have a blanket or a teddy or doll that we took absolutely everywhere?
Cause we want comfort, we want to feel safe.

At night when all the lights were turned off and the house was silent, and you had just seen a scary batman cartoon, we would snuggle up to that something special that made us feel safe, and when we didn’t have those things we couldn’t sleep. We just didn’t feel safe.
So sometimes you would crawl into your parent’s bed and snuggle up to them. Again, not because we were wussy, but because we wanted comfort, to feel safe.

But back then it was monsters under your bed and nightmares that we were afraid of.
Today it’s more the fear of robbers, kidnappers, serial killers, cars crashing into your house at night (it can happen) and even our own nightmares.
But we can’t crawl into our parents bed now, and certainly can’t start sucking your thumb, lol.
We have to be tough!

Maybe you’re lucky, and you have someone to cuddle up to at night, well some of us don’t, lol, maybe were too young or just haven’t found the right one, ether way it can get kinda lonely some nights.

But I have a teddy, Sally. :D
Haha yer yer I know, I’m 17, well watever! I don’t sleep with her anymore, she just sits on my bed now, but every now and then I do hock her under my arm at night, if I’m sad or worried about something.
And to be honest, she helps, she gives me that comfort that I need.
I do usually have a cat or two in my bed, but that’s not the same, the minute you move they yell at you! Haha.

It’s definitely human to want to feel safe, feel protected and like nothing is going to hurt you. And we do everything we can to feel that way; we lock our doors 24/7, check that the windows are closed at night…
But it’s just upsetting that we have to do this kinda stuff, to simply feel safe. Wouldn’t it be great to live in a world where you could walk down the street at night with no fear? Or be able to leave your windows or doors open, with no doubts?
I think so.  :) 


            What is Love?
Well personally I believe that there are certain types of Love. There’s the love you have with your family, friends, pets and of course the Love between a girl and a guy, that both think the world of each other.

But I'm gona talk about the relationship type of Love, the one that everyone dreams about, the one that we all want to feel and have.
It makes you laugh louder, smile more and feel like you’re walking on air.
I haven’t had these awsome feelings yet, one day I hope I will. But even with this love there is still a difference.

"Sure they may love each other, but are they IN LOVE?" 

yer it sounds the same, but yet it is so different.
TRUE LOVE, man that’s something special. It’s when someone will die for another, totally unselfishly!

as some one I know said

hearing a 20 year old say they want to spend their life with one particular person doesnt mean much to me, my grandad sitting by my grandma for every possible moment he could until she passed, that still sticks in my head as the true meaning of marriage. The 'till death do us part' bit is powerful, when proven to be truth"- Brent

This is so true, that really dose explain love to me, one that has lasted over many years, true love.

There’s this other story that I have heard from an elderly man I know.
In the past he had fallen in love, and that girl fell in love with him. Her parents didn’t like him simply because of his background. So he said to her " its ether me or them" and he said this in a loving way, and she choice him. They got married and had two fine boys, the parents finally came around but unfortunately she later passed away from cancer. As he said this to me tears came to his eyes. Now they were IN LOVE.

He is remarried now, to a lady with a similar situation, now I can tell that they love each other, they would have to, but there not in love.

And that is something special. If you are one of the lucky people who find true love, then you hold on to it, and you never let them go. :)