Sometimes life challenges seem unbeatable and unbearable. The illustration above is a perfect example of what it feels like at times.
It seems like there is no hope or chance of freedom from the problem. Most problems will never change if we simply wait it out, in fact sometimes they become worse.
Goliath was a massive problem for the Israelites. The Israelites where in big trouble, the enemy had a secret weapon, Goliath, now this army, the Philistines, where so confident in their secret weapon that they would send Goliath out, who for 40days asked for a challenger to fight in single combat to the death, so whoever wasn't killed won. Oh did I mention that Goliath was a giant? yeah he was massive! Up to 2.97 meters tall (estimate). As you can imagine the Israelites where terrified and no one wanted to face this problem on their own.
This is a lot like life today, tho with less giants. Problems get thrown at us, that is just how it is, and just like the Israelites there is no way to get around them, they need to be faced head on. But how? Do you not understand how massive my problems are? There is no possible way for me to get out of this, the problem has to be destroyed and I can’t do it.
Well, that is exactly how the Israelites felt with their massive problem. But you know what? God had a plan, it may have seemed like God had left the Israelites, just like it might seem as though He has left you now. But just like with the Israelites, and most other things, Gods timing is nothing like our timing, I don’t think He even owns a clock.
During this time of waiting and hoping for Goliath to somehow just have a heart attack and die, the Israelite army was visited by a young shepherd boy named David. He hears about the issue at hand and boldly volunteers to take on the giant! David was not a solider, he looked after sheep for living, but God works through people whom have open hearts to Him and enough faith in God that they will literally take on a giant.
Sometimes when it comes to big problems the last thing we want to do is have faith in the situation and wait on God while our walls crumble around us. But when God asks you to do something, it’s usually a God idea to do it.
Get this, David was so confident in God that he refused to wear armour, only taking his sling and some stones that he had just gathered. David walks up to the problem, who has a sword and is wearing armour by the way. Goliath taunts and curses David, see even giants use words to try and hurt others. David replies with words of wisdom and facts from God.
When we face problems in this life, trying to beat them the way they have treated us is never the way to handle a situation. Problems and issues are really hard and you just wanna punch and scream at the problem itself, especially when that problem is a person. But God Doesn’t want us to belittle ourself in such a way, venting to trusted friends or family is always important, but being cruel is never okay. There is always a good way to handle things. And those who hurt the good in this world are gonna be in big trouble some day.
God will always provide a way through our problems, we are made for so much more then to be wallowing in our own tears stuck on the sidewalk unable to move forward. There is a future for all of us, and it is much nicer then the problems you may be facing now.
David swings his sling and throws the stone at Goliath, the stone smacks Goliath straight in the middle of his forehead, Goliath falls to the ground, (might have taken a while,) then David takes Goliath's sword and chops Goliath's head right off! wild I know, I love how he used the enemies own weapon against them, brilliant! Once the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, and defeated by a boy with no armour and only a sling shot, they ran for their lives!
See problems are bigger then us and may seem unbeatable, but with a little faith we can conquer. And when the enemy sees how amazing God is they will run for their lives to!
It’s really hard to see any future when you are stuck in the middle of a problem. Everything falls apart around you and you yourself feel as though you are falling apart too. But the great thing is that God has it sorted, He often waits a while before diving in and saving the day, but when He dose, it will be amazing, and if you open your heart to it and Him He will make you stronger through it.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”- Romans 12:21
"Have courage and be kind"- Cinderella
You can read the full story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.