Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Overcoming life's challenges through faith.

Sometimes life challenges seem unbeatable and unbearable. The illustration above is a perfect example of what it feels like at times.

It seems like there is no hope or chance of freedom from the problem. Most problems will never change if we simply wait it out, in fact sometimes they become worse. 

Goliath was a massive problem for the Israelites. The Israelites where in big trouble, the enemy had a secret weapon, Goliath, now this army, the Philistines, where so confident in their secret weapon that they would send Goliath out, who for 40days asked for a challenger to fight in single combat to the death, so whoever wasn't killed won. Oh did I mention that Goliath was a giant? yeah he was massive! Up to 2.97 meters tall (estimate). As you can imagine the Israelites where terrified and  no one wanted to face this problem on their own.

This is a lot like life today, tho with less giants. Problems get thrown at us, that is just how it is, and just like the Israelites there is no way to get around them, they need to be faced head on. But how? Do you not understand how massive my problems are? There is no possible way for me to get out of this, the problem has to be destroyed and I can’t do it.

Well, that is exactly how the Israelites felt with their massive problem. But you know what? God had a plan, it may have seemed like God had left the Israelites, just like it might seem as though He has left you now. But just like with the Israelites, and most other things, Gods timing is nothing like our timing, I don’t think He even owns a clock. 

During this time of waiting and hoping for Goliath to somehow just have a heart attack and die, the Israelite army was visited by a young shepherd boy named David. He hears about the issue at hand and boldly volunteers to take on the giant! David was not a solider, he looked after sheep for living, but God works through people whom have open hearts to Him and enough faith in God that they will literally take on a giant. 

Sometimes when it comes to big problems the last thing we want to do is have faith in the situation and wait on God while our walls crumble around us. But when God asks you to do something, it’s usually a God idea to do it. 

Get this, David was so confident in God that he refused to wear armour, only taking his sling and some stones that he had just gathered. David walks up to the problem, who has a sword and is wearing armour by the way. Goliath taunts and curses David, see even giants use words to try and hurt others. David replies with words of wisdom and facts from God. 

When we face problems in this life, trying to beat them the way they have treated us is never the way to handle a situation. Problems and issues are really hard and you just wanna punch and scream at the problem itself, especially when that problem is a person. But God Doesn’t want us to belittle ourself in such a way, venting to trusted friends or family is always important, but being cruel is never okay. There is always a good way to handle things. And those who hurt the good in this world are gonna be in big trouble some day.

God will always provide a way through our problems, we are made for so much more then to be wallowing in our own tears stuck on the sidewalk unable to move forward. There is a future for all of us, and it is much nicer then the problems you may be facing now.

David swings his sling and throws the stone at Goliath, the stone smacks Goliath straight in the middle of his forehead, Goliath falls to the ground, (might have taken a while,) then David takes Goliath's sword and chops Goliath's head right off! wild I know, I love how he used the enemies own weapon against them, brilliant! Once the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, and defeated by a boy with no armour and only a sling shot, they ran for their lives!

See problems are bigger then us and may seem unbeatable, but with a little faith we can conquer. And when the enemy sees how amazing God is they will run for their lives to! 

It’s really hard to see any future when you are stuck in the middle of a problem. Everything falls apart around you and you yourself feel as though you are falling apart too. But the great thing is that God has it sorted, He often waits a while before diving in and saving the day, but when He dose, it will be amazing, and if you open your heart to it and Him He will make you stronger through it. 

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”- Romans 12:21

"Have courage and be kind"- Cinderella

You can read the full story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

My Struggle.

I struggle with letting people in but most of all, for some reason, I struggle when people truly care about me and want to help, I can see it in their eyes and it frightens me. Why you ask? I wish I knew, perhaps that is something God will reveal to me in His perfect timing, but for now I am doing my best to open up to others, and goodness gracious it is hard.

I have mentioned about opening up before in one of my previous blogs, Fear of Love, where I first spoke about what God has been placing on my heart. I am going to be honest and say that I truly don't understand why God wants me to be open to others in a friendship kind of relationship, I don't see the point. (I will come back to this further on.)

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy friendships and having fun with people but when it comes to being helped through tough times its all too much for me.

Like all of us who do the same kinds of things, I have been hurt before, since a young age time and time again by the very people I kept giving second chances to, as I hoped they might change.

And year after year I just kept putting wall after wall up around my heart, the worse the pain the thicker the wall, simple as that, it's a coping mechanism, and for many years I was safe and cosy in my tight little ball but I was lonely. Little did I realise that these walls had spikes on the other end, so when other people tried to get close, even the good ones, they got hurt. And then that breaks my heart even more... it's a vicious circle isn't it. It seem as tho these walls aren't helping me at all, but making things worse for not only myself but also others.

I have been trying though. Through the tears and anxiety I know God will get me through it. Helping me to break down these walls of mine and be open to others.

When I know I can run away, I am happy to share my soul, for example, I have been a leader on many primary school and high school camps, and pouring my heart out to people and strangers whom I will possibly never see again is easy. Not only am I  helping them I can also run away and never have to deal with any backlash that may happen after sharing such deep emotions.

Whereas sharing deep struggles with people in my weekly life group whom I see at church that weekend I struggle with deeply. I tried opening up just this week and I couldn't look them in the eye, yeah, issues!

See when you share deep emotions and fears with people you are instantly giving them the knife that they can then use to stab you in the back. But at the same time you have those who will take that knife, wrap it in cloth and hold on to it for you to help lighten the load.

Being vulnerable to just anyone isn't smart though, but we, I, need to give God the control in allowing Him to protect me from the bad people but also letting some in that will either help me in a positive or negative way.

"But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high."
-Psalms 3:3

I need to let God be God, my independence often gets in the way of allowing God to do His thing.

Jesus once asked a man "Do you want to be well?", I believe he is asking us the same thing now, "Do you want to be helped?"

Because if we don't stand up and share how are people meant to help us?

I understand how scary this can be, but I know that no matter how terrifying the storm in the end God will always provide a rainbow.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Fueling the Fire

Over here in Australia, it is cold, very cold, thankfully we have a fireplace in our home. After starting and nurturing the fire a few times it got me thinking...

Our Relationship with God is like a fire in a fireplace. When making a fire there needs to be a secure and strong base, kindling, pine cones and newspaper.  Without this there can be no fire, the fire needs a base, it needs somewhere to start. 

Than comes the spark, a match, without this spark, well, nothing will be lit and therefore no fire. God provides the spark for your relationship with Him to start, but it doesn't end there, once the base, the kindling, is lit, you need to sit there and wait and watch, you have to babysit the beginning of this fire, this relationship. At the start it is too fragile for you to leave it, it must be nurtured and looked after till the moment is right for more wood.

Once the kindling is a blaze and you have your fire going you need to keep it fuelled, every so often you need to put another log on the fire. If you leave it for too long the fire will die. 

It takes a little while to warm up but once the fire is hot the warmth not only effects you, it also effects everyone in the house. From your cat to the family member on the couch who kept telling you to give up on the fire.

Anyone who enters your house will feel the warmth and see the light, which in this cold world can be spotted a mile away.

God isn't a genie who is only there to grant you your wishes, nor is He a God who does not care for you. God cares for you so much, you are His chid. He wants a relationship with you, He puts in so much time and energy into us and into our relationship with Him, but for the relationship to be at its fullest potential, we must give back, thats how all relationships work, both sides need to give and receive.

Some of us complain about God not doing anything when we are the ones who haven't been putting wood onto the fire, we gave up and the fire died. Some of us are angry at God so we throw water onto the fire. Some people will try their best to come in between you and the fire, between your relationship with God, and it is so easily done. But God provides us with an everlasting pack of matches, so when we do come back, we can scrap aside the old coals and start again. 

Earthly relationships will burn you, every time you go to put another log on, but the fire we have with God will never burn us, it is totally safe. 

Let Gods love warm your heart and the heart of others. Some will say they prefer the cold and others simply wont get it, but don't let that stop you from embracing the warmth.  

Don't let the fire die.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Fear of Love.

For a while now God has been placing some stuff on my heart, It’s one of those tricky times where I am unsure of what He is saying and most of all what I am suppose to do. 

A while back my bible reading asked me what was my biggest fear? And my pastor asked today in his sermon, what’s your biggest fear?

For me I believe it’s vulnerability when it comes to love, allowing someone to love you means being raw, its more then caring and its much more then like. But that person whom you love has to accept your love and to do that this person has to open up 100%.  And THAT terrifies the heck out of me. 

An image that comes to mind is someone ripping and holding open there chest to reveal a beating heart. Which means being completely exposed to possible harm. And to me I do not understand how or why people would do such a thing.

Whats the point? They will end up hurting you anyway. 

I guess the question is what am I missing out on. By protecting myself from potential harm am I harming myself in a different way?

My mind is a mess when it comes to this, I have pushed it down so far inside myself I don’t even know what exactly I am afraid of. Rejection? That person falling out of love with me? Loving the wrong person? Or is it the fear of them changing, which would change their feelings for me?

See what I mean, a mess! 

But I feel God is asking me to be open, but with what? and how?

I am a very sensitive and emotional person, its a curse and a gift at the same time, as I am able to really connect and help people by seeing things that others may not see in them. But the backlash is that my heart is easily crushed. Which I really don’t like.

I am a loving person, I can love others just fine, I love helping people, and sharing my time and heart, and I feel as though I am an open person. But when it comes to being loved in return, thats what I can’t handle. My walls come up and I run. Every-time.

But why? Well I have a few ideas as to why, things that are from my past, I have been shutting myself off since I was 10 years old, maybe younger. Old habits die hard. 

And we have all been rejected and hurt by those we care about at some point in our lives, thats just how it goes.

But am I also shutting myself off from the one who actually can love me perfectly? In my frantic mission to protect my heart am I shutting God out? Man I hope not. One of the reasons why I shut off is because it all gets too much. My emotions get too heavy and I just can’t handle it. 

Don’t get me wrong I do love life and I am happy, I have so much to be grateful for. I just felt I needed to share with you what God has been placing on my heart. Maybe this is how you feel, maybe you shut yourself off too.

To solve this I need to know exactly what I am afraid of, then with God go from there. But it is just like forgiving yourself, you need to make the decision to change. It’ll take time and a lot of faith,  but God has your hand and most of all He has your heart, its the best place for it to be. 

The best way out is always through- Robert Frost.

To get through this you need to face your fear, I need to face my fear, there’s no other way. We all need to get to the other side, God has a beautiful destination for us if we have the courage to go through our fear, and face it head on. I’m ready, are you?

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear”- 1 John 4:18

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Have courage to be who you are.

I went to a festival called Easter Fest on the weekend, I had a great time as I was helping out in the kids zone as a face painter.

One night I was hanging out with some friends of mine and we where just coming back from seeing a band, there was this ride that they where all keen to go on, but I wasn't.

It was like the claw ride but instead of innocently rocking side to side, like a normal fun ride, this ride flipped right around, so yes, at one point on that ride you are literally hanging upside down!

All you thrill seekers are probably screaming with excitement right now, where as those who prefer rides like the 'Scooby Doo Ride', (best ride of all time), this going upside down thing does not excite you in anyway.

Well the first time I saw what this 'claw' ride actually did I knew that I would never be going on it, ever! It's just not my thing, at all. I would happily go on the 'Scooby Doo Ride' ten times in a row, but swinging upside down... I will pass thanks.

Anyway my friends wouldn't take no for an answer, they bought me a ticket though I begged them not to and then they dragged me to the line of the ride, until I dug my heals in and was able to escape. They underestimated my stubbornness, and they didn't realise till then how badly I didn't want to go on that ride!

Anyway I got a bit teary after that as I was really embarrassed from them dragging me along so far in front of other people.

I sat and ate a snow-cone as they enjoyed the crazy ride. After they got off one of them felt awful for trying to push me onto the ride, I forgave them but I couldn't help but feel like they thought I was boring, and lame. Heck... some of you readying this might think so too.

But hey, this pink haired noise studded girl is anything but boring. I love to have fun, my type of fun may be different to other peoples type of fun, and guess what, thats okay!

Shocker I know, but this really bugs me about humanity, they say, 'yeah be yourself we will love you for it!' but heaven forbid you praise Jesus, or you would prefer to stay in and read a book then go out every friday night and get drunk.

They might as well say, 'yeah, sure, be yourself but we will only accept you if you do things in this way, or that way.'

Don't get me wrong, people of all walks of life, religion and race do this to each other. And its disappointing.

But what is even more disappointing is when people say that God can only love you if you are a certain way.

God loves all of us, He sent his son to dye for ALL of our sins, yes that means the arm cutting goth  you just shook your head at, the women with five kids who doesn't know who's father is who's, even the uptight, self-righteous pretenders that sit in church pews every Sunday thinking they are better then everyone else. All of them and all of us.

God does not have a list where He can only love you if you tick each flippin box! What a bunch of humbug.

God loves us all, He just does not love the sinful things we do, the sinful things we all do. But the great thing is if you seek forgiveness with an honest heart God will forgive you.

Here comes another shocker, God also created us all differently, with different likes and dis-likes, different personalities, opinions. Which is awesome. Have you seen some of the amazing things God created in this world? Thats proof that He is not a boring God, and that He is a God who loves variety, from the brown skirt wearing missionary to the blue haired partier.

From the stink bug to the tiger.

God loves you.

And because of that unconditional love God has blessed me with, I have security in who I am, in my quirks, my strengths and my many weaknesses.

I am who I am and I am proud to be... I love my God and because of that I choose to live my life for Him.

So don't be afraid to be who you are, if your favourite music is jazz or head banging rock, thats cool!

Have courage to be who you are.

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139: 14

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Hope is not measured by its size, but its strength.

One of my favourite stories in the Bible is about a man named Job, now this story is not often talked about as it is brutal, but I love it because it really shows faith, trust, hope, tragedy and triumph. I feel as though many people avoid this story as we would all hate for it to happen to us.

The story is found in the book of Job in the Bible. But this is pretty much how it goes:

(NOTE: This was in the old testament times before Jesus died on the cross, things where very different back then.)

There once was a man named Job, and he had everything. He was the richest man around, he had houses, camels, donkeys, money, ten kids (seven males), servants, everything! 

In todays time he would have Lamborghini's and a private plane, yes that kind of rich.  

But Job was also a good man who loved God. His kids loved to party, so Job would often ask for God's forgiveness on their behalf, just in case they were being naughty.

Now Satan was saying that the only reason Job loved God so much was because God had blessed him with such a good life, he had never been through hardship therefore if times got tough Job would end up hating God.

God let Satan put Jobs' faith to the test, what happened after is not pretty.

The first tragedy that happened to poor Job was this; all his Oxen and donkeys were stolen and a heap of his servants were killed. Just as Job was being told of this news another servant came and said a fire killed all his sheep and the servants that were there. Once again just as the next horrible news was being told another servant came telling him his camels were all stolen and the servants killed. Then just as the latest servant was speaking another came with horrid news, all of his ten children were killed when the house they were partying at collapsed.

Can you imagine! Everything Job had and held dear was brutally taken from him in the matter of hours... everything.

I can't even place myself in his position, and I don't want to! What a nightmare.

So what did Job do next? Scream and yell at God? How many of us would?

Job ripped his clothes in anger, shaved his head (I don't know why),  then he feel to his knees and said.

"Naked I came from my mothers womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job 1:20

Wait what!?

May the Lord be praised, Job, your whole life has just been smashed by a giant hammer!

Amongst Jobs heartbreak and tragedy he kept his head and chose to to keep his faith and love for God in a hopeless situation.


After all these things God says to Satan; "My servant Job, there is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason."

Satan claims that what Job went through wasn't bad enough and that if Job was ill he would then curse and hate God.

Wait! There's more that happens to Job? Yeah... sadly there is more.

So then Satan made Job ill with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to his head. Jobs wife tells Job to stop his integrity and to hate God, curse Him, spit at the sound of His name.

Jobs reply is breath taking, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"

When Jobs friends came to visit him they barley recognised him due to the illness, they then weep and cry for what he had lost. For seven days and nights they all just sat together, saying nothing.

After this Job wished he was never born and cursed the day he was born. He asked God why me? What have I done wrong to deserve this? 

But never cursed God.

His friends and Job have probably one of the longest arguments ever about life, God and hope. By the sounds of things Jobs friends where not very helpful. Though throughout it all Job proclaims his integrity will never die until the day he dies. 

God intervenes and speaks of many things and how He appreciates that Job spoke well and truthfully of God even in all his suffering. 

After all this, after everything was taken away from Job, then his friends gave him an un-called for lecture, God blesses Job, giving him twice as much as he had before. All of Jobs friends and family came together for a feast, and each of them gave Job their love, comfort and then gave him one piece of silver and a gold ring. 

Job had twice as many live stock as before the tragedies and had ten more children, seven boys and three girls, all of which were given an inheritance and Jobs three daughters were the most beautiful in the land. 

Job lived to be 104 years old! He watched his family grow and lived to see the forth generation of kids. Job passed away as an old man full of years with such a big life story.

Yeah... wow. 

How many of us have lost our integrity and love for God? And why?

Maybe you have experienced a Job life, everything, just everything taken away from you. 

But no matter what has happened to you or what you may be going through, it is completely up to you on how you react. No one can react for you, no one and nothing else choses your attitude, you do that. 

If life is rough for you right now then have a vent, speak to someone but don't give up, and don't give up on God. 

Throughout Jobs troubles God was there even through Job may not have felt like it, and that happens all the time now a days. Sometimes in our troubles God seems to be far far away. But that does not mean you should give up, keep the faith, God always comes through, always. 

He won't give up on you, it's us who gives up on Him. 

Search and search for that hope, no matter how small, even if you have to dig for it. Because it will be there, waiting for you to find and be empowered by it's strength.

Hope is not measured by its size, but by its strength.