How often do you compare yourself with someone else? If it
be a family member, friend, or even someone famous or someone you admire.
We all do it.
But should we?
Well, you are you; there is no one else like you, so why
would you compare yourself to someone who is completely different to you?
Not only that but what are you comparing? Is it the way they
look compared to you? speech? Intuition? Status? Work? The list goes on.
But I think we need to be careful, I mean, I was just
talking to a friend last night, and he was feeling down as he was comparing
himself to his siblings, but he was only comparing himself to the earthly and
worldly things such as status, intuition and material stuff. And to be honest I
was a little frustrated as from what I have seen, he is far richer then all of
them together. Why? Because of his job or intuition? Well no, because of the
person he is, because I know that when we all stand before God He will not
compare us or talk to us about the earthly things such as where you have worked
or how attractive you where or your partner. He will only be interested in your
heart; He will only be interested in what you did for others, on your
unselfishness and willingness to serve.
Do you honestly think
that He cares about what brand you are wearing? Or will He care more about the attitude
you are wearing? Will He care more about how cool you are? Or will He care
about whom you have helped even if that meant making yourself look bad in front
of those whose opinions don’t even matter?
For goodness sake people grow up! This world is not the only
thing in life, there is far more to it than that, and I believe so many of us
get caught up in this world and we forget about what is truly important.
Don’t get me wrong I still love to shop and have glittery
things, but I do not put my worth in those things, because in the end, what are
We need to look at the bigger picture. And we need to look
inside our hearts and do what is needed to become better people rather then
look in the mirror and decide which plastic surgeon to go to so that we can
make ourselves look younger.
It is so sad seeing people who look great on the outside but
are completely hollow on the inside, those with good hearts are far more
beautiful than the latest girl on the cover of a magazine.
God made you the way you are, if He wanted you any other way
He would have done so! He knew that you would look the way you do, hello he
created you, and guess what? He still loves you.
God also created you in such a way that makes you completely
unique to anyone else.
But don’t get me wrong, don’t use God as an excuse for bad
behavior or for a particular ‘way that you are.’ Use your conscience, and read
up on your bible and see what Jesus was like to decide if there is anything you
may need to change about yourself to become a better person.
So next time you compare yourself to someone else or look in
the mirror, remember, that they only show you the outside, not the inside, not
your heart which is what matters in the end.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s
Psalm 139:13