Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Spiritual Lows

I like to say I have a strong, close relationship with God and I am very blessed to have such a wonderful, amazing God who speaks to me in times of trouble.

But sometimes on my journey I don’t feel His presence and I am spiritually low.

And I hate it! It’s like a part of me is missing, it sucks!

And I feel as though I have done something wrong and many questions come to mind, such as, “is my faith strong enough? What am I doing wrong?”

The other night I was having a large spiritual low, actually it has been like this for a week or two. And I have been praying “Please God come back to me, draw me close, am I pushing you away? Cause if I am, I’m sorry and I don’t want to, tear down whatever wall is between us, please!”

Last night I just couldn't get to sleep and it felt like a spiritual thing. Then I felt like I needed to read some of the book I have been reading called ‘God loves broken people (and those who pretend they’re not.)’  By Sheila Walsh.

And what do you know; my amazing, spectacular God has answered my prayers once again in a beautiful way! Praise Him!

I start reading and ‘BAM’ it is talking exactly about spiritual lows- coincidence? I think not!

It was very amazing actually; it was speaking about how many great Christians known for their faith did have many spiritual lows on their journey, some for weeks, even years. Mother Teresa, John the Baptist and many others I am sure.

They asked God many questions as I have and possibly you as well, but God came through for them every time, just as He will for you and me, always.

Spiritual lows do not mean you are a failure as a Christian, it merely means that you are human. And it just proves how much our souls and hearts truly long for and need God, it really is a beautiful thing.

But sadly things such as spiritual lows are never really spoken about, as people want to be thought of, or remembered as amazing ‘faithful’ and ‘spiritual’ people. For some it may be there arrogance and pride too, but I’m here to tell you that it is okay and it happens. But God has not abandoned you; perhaps you just need to work on your faith and patience.  (As sometimes God waits till you are at the very end of your rope before He shows up.)

But don’t give up on God, because He has never given up on you and never will.

Keep praying and stay strong, God may be working on many things in your life at the moment which takes time and patience. :)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

A message for you.

So I had a pretty intense and interesting week/weekend. some things were good other things not so much, just one thing after another till one big thing happened and I was just so over everything. I'm sure many of you can relate.

Just really trying to hear Gods voice among all the other voices. Anyway what I wanted to share with you was that after I got home from a huge day and week this video was on my laptop. 

My beautiful brother, Levi, had herd one of things that had happened that afternoon and made this video for me, ha-ha it took him a while but I am very blessed and also grateful. 

I wanted to share this video as I believe it applies to everyone and what you may be going through right now.

(At no point am I saying the music or the voice recordings where created by us.)

A very beautiful and inspiring video, I hope it helped you as much as it did for me. 

I think some times we get too caught up in life and its troubles that we don't always see or forget to notice the wonderful blessings God is giving us.

We can't always look only at the negative, there must be a balance, yes there are sad and sucky things that happen in life but there are also and always will be beautiful and wonderful things that happen also, no matter how big or small.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Back burning and the fire.

I’m going to ask a silly question, what do fire fighters do?

Yes we all know the answer, it is even in the name, they fight fires. They wear special uniforms and go out to the heat of the fire and fight it till it dies.

Now it would be rather odd for a fire fighter to actually start a fire wouldn’t it?

Yeah totally, it’s their job to stop them!

But sometimes fire fighters have to start a fire so that they can control the massive crazy one that is coming, it is called back burning, it is a technique often used as a fire can’t go over something that is already dead, it needs fuel to keep going, so the fire fighters go against most likely everything they have been taught and start a fire so that they may stop a larger one.

You’re probably wondering why I am giving you this fire-fighting lesson I guess you could call it, but... this is what God does with us I believe.

God sometimes starts fires in our lives to prepare us for the larger ones coming, that we can’t always see. Often, well nearly every time we think it is the end of our world and some of us may get angry with God, but you must see that even though you may have gone through or are going through something that seems unbearable, it is God’s love that will get you through and that He has allowed these things to occur to help you. Yes I know at the time and sometimes a long while after this may make no sense but it is true, God is not laughing at your troubles, He is crying with you and holding out His hand watching you and standing by you every step of the way because He knows that you can get through this and can also become something inspirational because of it.

Fires aren’t always a bad thing, yes they tear places apart and destroy everything in their path but do you know what happens after? After the heat has died down and the smoke is gone? Something magical happens, the death that the fire caused creates new life, things start to grow again and new things appear.
Sometimes in our lives God allows fires to come so that we may grow again and sometimes even become start over. And use the experience to grow stronger and more powerful than ever before through God.

Some fires you can fight and stop, where as others you just have to let it go and then appear out of the ashes after it is all over and start anew. Exhausting I know, But God can get you through it and He will, we are not strong enough but God can make us stronger.

I would like to share with you something that God said to me last week.

“God all I can offer you is a weak body, a weak mind, and a soft heart the bruises easily- I’m sorry that I am not strong enough.
Then God says... that’s okay... you are enough for me... you are special and you are mine!
I will give you strength and I will never, ever, give up on you, and most of all I will always, always, love you.”

No matter how strong a fire and how hot the flames Gods love will come in and soothe your burns and make you stronger.