Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

There is still Good in the world, there is always Hope.

The news was on the other night and with-in only a few days a woman had been assaulted and murdered, a soldier slaughtered in the streets, a massive terrible tornado and the sad complicated death of an Aussie Icon.

I don’t know what your news is like, but man it just makes you sigh and shake your head, where is the hope? Belief in good? The love? Cause I was finding it hard to see.

But though there is all of the terrible sad stuff, the news doesn't always show us the good things that are happening and the happy stories. 

The other day I got in a little disagreement with a friend at uni, she was claiming for there to be no hope as she had herd of some devastating stuff and has been a part of many terrible things throughout her life.

But I protested with saying that there is always hope! There is!

She protested saying there isn't.

I mentioned how the news only really shows the bad things, she shook her head, and this made me sad.

Yes terrible things happen, and every day, I’m not a fool, but miracles happen every day as well. 

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news. My mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers-so many caring people in this world.”-Fred Rogers

Now there is a wise woman, I was once a negative thinker, heck, sometimes I still can be but I trained myself to be a positive thinker. (You can find this journey in the 21 day diet blog.) Now don’t be saying you’re a realist and not a negative person... common, you are only kidding yourself, but you can change for the better like I did.

Sometimes our lives can be very dark, and it is so hard to see the positive side, I have experienced these feelings many times, but I have always looked towards the light in life, I have always looked to God. He kept the hope in my heart, and always reminded me of the love and joy in life, and remained by my side throughout it all. There were and are times when He has been silent, and it has driven me insane as it almost felt as if he was ignoring me, when I wasn't asking the right questions, and at times had the wrong attitude and was wanting the answer and what I wanted far too quickly. If you are going through a difficult time don’t be afraid to be honest to God and ask what is happening, and what you should do, He will let you know but in His time, not your time, which will be the right time.

There is still light, you just have to look a little harder, there is still hope as you are still breathing. There is still time to fix broken relationships, to show how much you love someone.

I believe that everyone is capable of good, but they are also just as capable for bad, and that is their choice...your choice.

Thursday, 23 May 2013


If you are wondering why I haven't been blogging for a while than this is why.

This is an Infographic assignment I have been working on day and night for uni, I hope you like it and feel free to share.

More blogs are on the way. :)  

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Pure love

I have a family member that I feel very close to even though he lives a little bit far away, I definitely see him as a father figure. When he hugs me all of a sudden I am overwhelmed by his love for me and I get teary each time.

Why? Because I have issues, ha-ha well yes but mostly because of the crazy amount of love that surrounds me in a big warm hug. And I believe that Gods love is like that only 1000000X better, perfect and more.

It is so amazing and overpowering in a beautiful good way... it makes your emotions (well mine anyway) go nuts as you can’t understand how someone so spectacular could possibly love a little old someone such as yourself. God’s love is confusing as we can’t understand it yet it is such a beautiful stunning blessing that we can enjoy and shine in, like the morning sun hitting your face and warming your body on a cold winters morning.

If it isn’t clear enough already... crikey Charlie batman!... the God of the universe loves you!

Yes you, the one who couldn’t get to sleep the night before because of stress or worry.

Yes you, the one reading this right now.

Yes you, the one who at times feels worthless or unlovable.

You, the one who thought of or maybe even attempted to take their life.

He loves you more than you know and more then we can comprehend.

“How precious to me are your thoughts, God. How vast the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand- when I awake, I am still with you.” -Psalm 139:17-18

“I know all the things you do and I have opened a door for you that no one can close.” -Revelation 3:8