Today I was casually walking the same path I walk everyday in my house numerous times, I was walking up the hall and at the end of the hall we have a full length mirror were you can watch yourself walk up the hallway.
My usual routine is to walk up the hallway and take one look at myself and sneer. (Like most of us do unfortunately.)
But today as I did this I looked up and froze, at the site of myself. I gazed into the mirror with my head tilted in disbelief.
“Is that really me?” I thought to myself.
“That young skinny girl with blonde hair.”
When I usually look at myself I see fat thighs and chubbiness.
But today I believe I saw what everyone else see’s when they look at me.
I wasn’t looking at the mirror with thoughts of dislike and hatred.
Just me.
Then I thought,
“Is this really happening?”
“Have I finally gotten rid of that nasty demon that told me I’m not good enough?”
“Those thoughts that would drag me down and stop me from smiling?”
I hope so!
A while back I had confessed to myself and God these cruel thoughts of insecurity. And told myself that,
“God has made me, designed, created me, so that’s good enough for me... isn’t it?”
I had tried to convince myself that I was happy with the way I looked. But until today I realised... that in the past I actually wasn’t happy or satisfied with the way I looked.
Which is completely selfish of me!
But unfortunately... we often think this way, don’t we?
Who out of you guys can honestly look into the mirror and say that you are truly happy with the way you look without being up yourself?
I bet not many of you hey?
But that’s ok your human. Don’t beat yourself up for those thoughts.
When we help others and start to feel alive and real, is when we will feel and look beautiful. Not only to yourself but others also.
It’s pretty unfair for the world to compare us with perfectly tanned models that wear barley anything, whose abbs are so perfect you know they are photoshopped! Or those models whose boobs hold up by themselves like they are wearing a push-up bra, with no bra!
How can we compete with that! I mean really!
I’m so not up for surgery! NO THANKYOU!
Sometimes I feel like it would be good to be a little like the medieval times or period times. I know they were dark and mean but at least with who they married, what they saw was what they got, and to them, it was beauty... back then they had only ever seen the opposite sex wearing clothing from head to toe!
So when they eventually got married there was no comparing your partner to the latest magazine or poster they had seen lately of the ‘perfect person.’
Do you get what I am saying?
Not only do we need to try our best to look at ourselves in a good loving way... but also to others.
It’s quite cruel to look out our car window and laugh to our friends saying,
“Hey, look at that nose!”
Or, “She is fat!”
How can we know what beauty even is if we are too busy pointing out everyone else’s faults just so we can hide our own?
When our thoughts are covered with insecurity and hatred... it blocks us from the sight of real life!
It’s as if we are wearing blinders and the beauty we are missing out on is beside us... and has been there the whole time, we just can’t see it.
So... take off your blinders! :)
You can do it, and with God’s help you can do anything.