Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Friday, 27 January 2012

That flower.

Looking out at the bush, the only colours I could see were different shades of green and browns. But as I glanced over, on one of the highest trees, was only one bright red flower.
Out of the whole bush which was simple colours of greens and browns, there was one brave flower bold enough to show its beautiful colour.
And seeing this made me instantly think of the Disney quote from Mulan,
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”- The emperor of China.
That flower could have just waited for the whole tree to blossom. But it didn’t, it went ahead, like a single star in the dark night sky.
It stood out!
All the other flowers are complaining of it being too wet out there, it’s not our time.
But this little flower stood up for itself saying, “It is my time!”
And because of that brave little flower, I smiled today, it gave me hope.
That even in a dark world you can still shine!
Show your colours!
Be the best kind of you.
Stand out from the crowd, make others smile as they see you and give them the hope that they can shine to.
Even though the rest of the world may be heading in the wrong direction, doesn’t mean you have to as well.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Help yourself.

Wouldn’t it be great if when someone said sorry and truly meant it, that the emotional pain you felt from that person would just rub away? And it left?
But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, you can accept their apology and forgive them. But it is too late, it happened, they hurt you. And for some of us, like me, there is a deep scar that never goes away, it may heal over time and stop hurting. But there will always be a light mark left. And every time you are reminded of that scar it hurts again, and some scars haven’t been given enough time to heal and it is re-opened. Then you have to start the mending all over again!
Then we ask ourselves is it worth it?
To let yourself get hurt again and again, wouldn’t it be better to just give up and never let anyone close enough to you again? That way you are safe! No more emotional pain.
But then you miss out on the happiness you gain when you are in a relationship with someone.
My mum says that you need to leave yourself open, open your heart to the relationship but also to the possibility of hurt in relationships. If you close heart and only let someone in a little you will miss out on so much.
Miss out? Miss out in what? Sure it’s happy at times but then you drop down a steep mountain with sharp rocks at the bottom.
I have always been the girl who doesn’t let people come too close, it’s not worth the hurt.
I have had many relationships and friendships with people, but as soon as we reached a certain point, ‘the point of no return.’ ;) In the relationship I would shutdown and run away, kind of like run away bride, haha, I just don’t let people get too close.
I only trust people to a certain point, and when they break that trust, it doesn’t matter if it is an accident or not, I never forget it. And that trust is gone, I feel like that point of trust I had for/with those people or person will never go back to that point ever again. (I kind of can’t help it.)

There’s someone I know who is very dear to me, but this person is a lot like me in the way of doing what I have been doing, but this person’s been doing it for a long time now, and because of this, this person Is going through a severe breakdown and it is not good to watch nor be a part of, it sucks out all your energy and effects the people around them, it’s terrible!
And I do not want that to happen to me, so I’m doing something about it, I’m going to see someone who I believe can really help me. And I’m not doing this JUST for me, but also my friends and family, as I don’t want them to go through it as well.
So please, don’t do what I have been doing, yes you will most likely get hurt, but God will give you the strength to bear it.
‘In every life, no matter how full or empty one's purse, there is tragedy. It is the one promise life always fulfils. Thus, happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it but to delight in it when it comes’. - Nicholas Nickleby

Talk to someone, a pastor or a councillor, ether of them can help maybe even a call up place like kids help line (something like that).
I know it is hard to talk to people about your emotions and issues, trust me, I know! But it really does help, please help yourself.
“When you break your arm you got to a doctor, when your tooth hurts you go to a dentist... but when your heart is broken what do u do?” - Melina
Your Blogger Talitha xo

Thursday, 19 January 2012


Sometimes you really expect things to just fall in place, especially after experiencing hard times. You pray and hope for happiness, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen.
But perhaps for some it’s not time to be happy yet.
Maybe you need some more life experience, before you can adjust your sails and set off to find happiness.
Some say happiness is a destination; others say it’s a journey.
But perhaps it’s the journey that makes you appreciate the happiness.
Sometimes we have our eyes so focused on, ‘finding happiness.’, that we miss the smiling faces waving at us on the side saying.
“Come here, you are welcome to be with us.”

Like a boat ride to a wonderous place.
You have your calculations and coordinates all ready and set for the ‘perfect place,’ that ‘happiness.’ And you are determined to get there! No matter what.
But what is this ‘perfect place?’ the ‘perfect destination?’
I mean, what’s yours?
 What are you trying so hard to find?
Is it happiness?
Because happiness is a totally different thing to each person. To some it’s the perfect job.
Others maybe clothing.
The soul mate.
A family.
Sure... we all have that distant dream of happiness we are afraid of finding just in case it isn’t all we hoped for.
But what if happiness were completion?
To be complete, to not feel like there is a part of you missing.
Is finding your soul mate going to fulfil that empty happiness? Or cause more pain?
Is a family going to help? Or destroy?
No, I’m sure those things will help, and make you really happy which is great!
But completion?
Only God can do that my friends.
Some may say you will lose everything if you choose to follow him.
When actually, you receive life!
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Now that’s gotta make even you happy. ;)

Friday, 13 January 2012

Wish to fly away.

As I stood on my deck out the back overlooking the beautiful Aussie bush, my thoughts tumbled over and over in my mind, like a music box you wind and the wheel spins around and around slowly clicking soft tunes.
Taking sips from my hot chocolate, I breathed the fresh air the beautiful green trees are providing as the breeze swept through the sky, softly flicking my hair back.
I turned and looked over at the colourful lorikeets munching over the bird seed and chattering at the same time. I watched as they freely flapped their wings and hopped from place to place.
I thought to myself...
“I have always wanted to fly, how cool would that be? To fly up so high you can escape your problems... when your life gets so complicated and frustrating all you have to do is spread your wings and fly!”
But I guess that’s just the same as running away isn’t it?
Not only will you hurt yourself from trying to avoid your problems and hide them inside yourself, you will also hurt others that are relying on you to help them throughout the same situation.
It takes an amazing amount of courage and strength to stand up and fight in a difficult situation.
There will always, always be times when you want nothing more than to just collapse on your knees and scream! Then slam your fists to the ground and lose yourself in the tears you are now choking on from all of that pain!  
There is hope... and a place of rest for you.
In Gods loving arms.
“I will never fail you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
“No temptation has overcome you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
“I am... the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.” Revelation 21:3-4
To those who are keeping their strength up and eyes set on God, great job! Keep it up!
If you’re not... then maybe you should.
What else can you lose?

Monday, 2 January 2012

Take off the blinders.

Today I was casually walking the same path I walk everyday in my house numerous times, I was walking up the hall and at the end of the hall we have a full length mirror were you can watch yourself walk up the hallway.
My usual routine is to walk up the hallway and take one look at myself and sneer. (Like most of us do unfortunately.)
But today as I did this I looked up and froze, at the site of myself. I gazed into the mirror with my head tilted in disbelief.
“Is that really me?” I thought to myself.
“That young skinny girl with blonde hair.”
When I usually look at myself I see fat thighs and chubbiness.
But today I believe I saw what everyone else see’s when they look at me.
I wasn’t looking at the mirror with thoughts of dislike and hatred.
Just me.
Then I thought,
“Is this really happening?”
“Have I finally gotten rid of that nasty demon that told me I’m not good enough?”
“Those thoughts that would drag me down and stop me from smiling?”
I hope so!
A while back I had confessed to myself and God these cruel thoughts of insecurity. And told myself that,
“God has made me, designed, created me, so that’s good enough for me... isn’t it?”
I had tried to convince myself that I was happy with the way I looked. But until today I realised... that in the past I actually wasn’t happy or satisfied with the way I looked.
Which is completely selfish of me!
But unfortunately... we often think this way, don’t we?
Who out of you guys can honestly look into the mirror and say that you are truly happy with the way you look without being up yourself?
I bet not many of you hey?
But that’s ok your human. Don’t beat yourself up for those thoughts.
When we help others and start to feel alive and real, is when we will feel and look beautiful. Not only to yourself but others also.
It’s pretty unfair for the world to compare us with perfectly tanned models that wear barley anything, whose abbs are so perfect you know they are photoshopped! Or those models whose boobs hold up by themselves like they are wearing a push-up bra, with no bra!
How can we compete with that! I mean really!
I’m so not up for surgery! NO THANKYOU!
Sometimes I feel like it would be good to be a little like the medieval times or period times. I know they were dark and mean but at least with who they married, what they saw was what they got, and to them, it was beauty... back then they had only ever seen the opposite sex wearing clothing from head to toe!
So when they eventually got married there was no comparing your partner to the latest magazine or poster they had seen lately of the ‘perfect person.’
Do you get what I am saying?
Not only do we need to try our best to look at ourselves in a good loving way... but also to others.
It’s quite cruel to look out our car window and laugh to our friends saying,
“Hey, look at that nose!”
Or, “She is fat!”
How can we know what beauty even is if we are too busy pointing out everyone else’s faults just so we can hide our own?
When our thoughts are covered with insecurity and hatred... it blocks us from the sight of real life!
It’s as if we are wearing blinders and the beauty we are missing out on is beside us... and has been there the whole time, we just can’t see it.
So... take off your blinders! :)
You can do it, and with God’s help you can do anything.


I was watching legally blonde 2 the other night and I was completely inspired to “change the world.”
As I was watching her make a miraculous uplifting speech I thought, one day I will be like that, I will be up there with the microphone inspiring others and the world that they are unique, special and dearly loved by God.
But what is stopping me from doing that now?
True the whole world isn’t reading my blogs or even knows of my existence. But there is you! Who is reading my blog... and no matter how little the number of people I reach out there, if I can at least help one of you, with your life... then that’s worth everything!
Don’t lose the moon because you have been counting the stars!
You are so special, and God has some great plans for your life...don’t hold back on the beauty’s in life just because your shy or you don’t feel like you’re worth it.
Because you are worth it! And until you get and understand that, I’m just gonna have to keep on telling ya. ;)
If God really didn’t care about you or love you then why would he have created you?
He isn’t a cruel God, quite the opposite actually... you are here today for a reason.
Live that REASON!
Don’t be afraid to shine.
The world is dark enough already. :)