Life's Beauty

Life's Beauty

Monday, 29 August 2011


Yes, today I will be talking to you about sex, I’m definitely not going to go on about how great it is, because 1. I haven’t done it yet and 2. I am going far deeper than just the physical.
Sex is something very special that should be shared only between a male in female that are in love, and in a very strong relationship, like marriage. :D
Like I always say, You can’t MAKE love, You should already BE in love!
Now I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, because it’s not! It’s beautiful, and should be treated like a treasure! And not a TOY!!
The world throws it around like pass the parcel, constantly telling you it’s ok, it’s only physical. When actually they are totally wrong, it’s far far deeper than just two bodies.
It is two people, becoming one. It’s extremely emotional and also physical, come on people, you are giving a huge part of yourself to another when you have sex.
And when you abuse it and don’t treat it with respect, you end up hurt, torn apart, and broken and that piece of you is gone forever.
With great power, comes great responsibility.
Some of you may be thinking, ‘but you’re a Christian, you think it’s wrong and so dose God.’
Well NO! I don’t think that at all, and nether does God, he created it, and he believes it is beautiful, especially when it is treated properly and in the right environment.
This is also why God created marriage, because sex is meant for two people, wanting to share a part of themselves with another that is precious and important to them.
I’ve heard so many say, ‘well how do I know if thier good or not before marriage if I don’t try it’, well people I will say it again :)
You can’t MAKE love, You should already BE in love!
It is so possible to be in love with out sex before marriage, sex is more a bonus and precious thing that you can do and share with your loved one when you are married, besides when you are married, you have the rest of your lives to practice it ;)  

Saturday, 27 August 2011


Now, here is something I always do when I and a guy don’t work out. I instantly look at myself and all my faults and say, well no wonder it didn’t work, or why would he like me? When I can’t spell, or do well in maths?
And then I hit myself for saying those things, and say, well, he is missing out! Haha, yeah that’s right because I’m great at...
Personally I think we all do this, don’t we? When someone doesn’t like us or the person were totally in love with hurts us or is with someone else, we come straight back to ourselves. And that’s just no fair on us is it?
But like I said in the love yourself blog...
Don’t always look at the negative, sure there will be things you’re not so good at, everyone has those, so instead look at the things your great at! Wright it down, make a list of all the things you are good at and you’re good quality’s...
And learn to love yourself! Who you are, there’s no one else like it ;)
Throughout life, you’re not going to be liked by EVERYONE, it just doesn’t happen that way, may not be your fault they don’t like you, it’s most likely that other persons own silliness.
But NEVER CHANGE YOURSELF! Just for another, if you’re a good person and you’re happy with the way you are, then don’t flipping change to suit the world, your friends, that girl or guy you like.
Unfortunately the world only really looks at the outside, when they are missing out on the best part of you, the heart!! That’s were all the good stuff is ;)
People are judgers, they judge others image, beliefs, lifestyles yet they can’t even see their own mistakes in their own lives! It’s pretty crazy.
But it’s all good, because the only person’s opinion that even matters, in the end, middle and beginning, is Gods!
And he looks at the heart, he doesn’t find you unattractive, or fat or ugly or to skinny, dur if he did he would have created you differently ;) he loves you for you! And that is pretty special.
And I strongly believe that this is how everyone should act, if someone is a nasty person then that’s a fine reason not talk to them very much, but if someone is kind, but unattractive then that is a terrible reason not to hang out with them.
Don’t think about image too much, yeah it’s important, but when you reach the stage of not hanging out with someone for stupid reasons like that, then I’m sorry but that is really shallow, and NOT cool.
Instead look at their heart, cause if you do that, it changes that person’s whole look in your eyes!!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

How to see your life

When I see a piece of paper, I don’t see a blank page; I see a window of opportunity. A chance to make a masterpiece, something to write on, print on, draw on and make something from it :D
Maybe we should see life like that, not just a blank page but an opportunity to do great :)
Sometimes the page might already have stuff on it, well turn it over! Start again! It is possible.
No-one said life would be easy; whoever dose is pretty silly. But if you feel like you have ruined your life there is always a way to start again. No matter how messed up or confusing the words or scribble on the page are :)
Stop seeing life like a blank piece of paper or an already used life, turn it over! Start again :) Make it as bright and colourful, spontaneous as you wish and don’t forget to add in your loved ones! :)
Don’t be afraid to shine! Show your colours! Life’s to short, where’s the fun in only living half of your potential ;)

Monday, 15 August 2011

Love Yourself

Its a hard thing to do. There are the people that obviously love themselves too much, and those that hate themselves. Wears the balance?
We do everything we can to feel and look great so we can love ourselves, more makeup, tight clothes. We even look for it in relationships, which is a very dangerous thing to do, if you go into a relationship just for yourself, you will wreck it, the other person and yourself.
We thrive on complements and smiles from the opposite sex. We look in the mirror and see all the faults and dislikes we have on ourselves, forgetting that the world sees us as a hole and not just those little dislikes.
But there is a balance of where you can love yourself without being up yourself.
It took me a long time to do this, lol, it is important to love yourself, in a humble way of course, its healthy and good for you. But easier said than done!
It’s important to love yourself not only for your benefit but also others. Cause when you don’t love yourself it shows and that’s when you start hating yourself and others, and that’s no good!
Took me a good few years to ‘love’ myself, and my personality.
I would fight with myself manly over the hole; I don’t want to love myself because I’m scared I will become a cow and be up myself. haha
Well now that I do ‘love’ myself in a humble way I’m a better person, towards others and myself.
When you hate yourself, it really shows and you become a nasty person, so please do try!
The trick is humility! This means to be humble, like, if someone said
“You have nice eyes”,
You don’t say “yer I know”.
 You don’t put yourself down ether,
“No I hate them.”
You say
“Thank you” and mean it maybe even complement them back. :)
No one likes someone who constantly puts themselves down, it’s not nice.
Don’t always look at the negative, sure there will be things you’re not so good at, everyone has those, so instead look at the things your great at! Wright it down, make a list of all the things you are good at and your good quality’s. That’s what I did, it does help, and put it somewhere that you can get to it easily, mine is my book mark, and it really does help, trust me! :D
And learn to love yourself! Who you are, there’s no one else like it ;)

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


It’s a horrible thing that I believe everyone in there life will experience at lest once and on many different levels.

Yes sadly I have experienced it. I hated it!
It’s like your trapped in a black bubble that wont pop, and it gets tighter and tighter till you cant breath, it makes everything seem so much worse then what it really is!

Thankfully I didn’t have the server case of wanting to kill myself and hospital type. But I did feel and think, if I died, would anyone care?
I hated those thoughts, but they wouldn’t leave my heart and my mind!

I got depression at the end of last year in grade 11. It was a hard year for me, with school and friends. But also with me, when difficult hard times happen, I’m affected but it takes a while to really hit me, grade 6 was a very hard for me, from family issues that hit me hard!
I ust to get A’s and B’s in everything and I knew all my time tables, then the family issues happened and my grades dropped dramatically and I forgot all those stupid time tables! :/ yer yer sad I don’t know my time tables but, whatever, I no I’m not a math genies and I’m cool with that, its definitely not my courier choice uno ;)

Anyways, at the end of 2010 I feel out of a tree, was bear hugged, went on some carnival rides and broke my sternum. Yer have your little laugh, but it was extremely painful! And I couldn’t do anything! Not even pick up a newspaper, lol.

Anyway, just before that I started getting depression, then when the sternum was broken it got worse. Cause I couldn’t do exercise and be active which is one of the things that really helps depressed people. So I lay around in pain, and when I do that I think, and cause of the depression I thought more negatively.

And it just got worse and worse, I couldn’t see the light, I had a bad breakup with my friends and more family issues so I felt I had no one to talk to. I couldn’t see the light!

But God really helped me, I would cry and cry and beg him to save me, rescue me from this darkness!
And even though all my feelings and thoughts were black, I had faith and hope.
I just needed to hold on tighter to him. It felt like I kept falling, stuck in a hole I could never escape from.
Terrified that the light at the end of the tunnel was really a train!

Through all that I had to try my best to keep my eyes set on him, and have faith and pray.
Some days I just wanted to let everything go! I felt, worthless, useless, pathetic! But God kept reminding me of his wondrous love, and he was always there for me, even when I felt no love. He never let go of my hand. :)

And 1 year later, I finally popped that darn bubble! With God’s help and miraculous love! :)  

About a month ago, depression had lost its clutch on me and I was saved, it took so many tears, faith, hope, pray and time.
But I am finally free, and it’s a miracle. I ust to think that I could never escape! I still have my moments, but compared to what it ust to be, Darn I’m Happy! :D

I always knew, and no know that it helped me with my relationship with God and I have learnt so much and I am stronger!

There is always hope! And always a hand to hold :)

Saturday, 6 August 2011


Now even though this may sound impossible and silly when I was little, (and I kinda still do) I thought that the government should give every family in their country about $100 each at Christmas. As a present :) If I were president I would! :D why not? They can just print of an extra sheet of money from the money making place and then give each family a present. I think it would be nice, but of course there is probably some logical reason not to, that I wouldn’t understand ;)
 And unfortunately that’s just not how people work anymore. No one gives unselfishly anymore, you either have to earn a gift or give them something back!
What has happened to people?
 Most just don’t give to others without being selfish.  If they do give, it’s to make themselves look better or because they want something just as valuable in return. And I find that very sad. :/
There is an amazing beauty and feeling when you give to another freely and unselfishly. Just to put a smile on their face and expect nothing back. :) For me, it makes my soul smile ;)
The feeling of giving someone a gift, not just an object but even things that a fair more special, is amazing, makes ya worm inside :D
But those feelings only really work when the receiver deserves it. It’s just not the same if they don’t or they don’t appreciate it!
But please, selfishness is so ugly! And I’m sorry but I really hate it. PLEASE DONT BE SELFISH! You’re not helping anyone, not even yourself if you are. :)
Try it, think of someone in your life that you think deserves something special, and give it to them :) it could be a hug, some flowers anything you feel that they need and deserve, go ahead and do it, Unselfishly! Watch as they smile, could be a family member, friend or a neighbour.
The feeling is unspeakable, just making someone else’s day :)

Wedding :)

Went to a lovely weeding today, twas lovely :) I haven’t been to a wedding in a very long time, and the last time I was at one, was when I still thought kissing was gross, lol. But this time it gave me warm fuzzes :) not only the wedding, but there hole story behind it :)
Any ways, there story is very cute and seems like it would more likely be in a movie. Becks car broke down on 2005 and her knight in shining armour, Timmy, came in his fuel truck to rescue her. :) Anyway there was a spark and they got to know each other.  And they both really liked each other, but Timmy wasn’t in the same place as Beck was spiritually, so they went their separate ways sadly.
Then they had no contact for four years, in 2009 Timmy was a much better man, and amazingly they got back into contact and stayed as good friends, Timmy had a few girls, and Beck had her guys, but none of them had that connection they wanted. But then one night, it hit Timmy, the lights came on as my grandpa said and they had a huge spark, and two years later on this very day, they got married. :)
It was a beautiful wedding, and I have never seen two people so happy, they really are IN love! And that is awesome.
As they were signing the registry there was an item two girls sang, and the words that stood out the most for me were...
“All I can give you, is yours to take... happily ever after is in your eyes.”
Was a very sweet song, and was very appropriate for these two people, who are now married :D
This is a beautiful and true love story, and marriage. Even in this world, it has showed me that there is true love and happiness, there story has given me hope. And widened my mind to more possibilities. :)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Men, Women and Respect

Why is it that we have some countries that respect and honour animals over people?
In some, cows are more sacred then women. And in others they worship a cat, yet treat other human beings horrifically simply cause they see themselves as a higher person.
Why is there not a country that respects and honours women?
Even though we live in the 20th centenary, there are still men smashing women down emotionally and physically, to the point on no self worth. They are forced to do and wear things that they ether don’t feel comfortable in, or make them feel controlled.
Women are not objects, or pieces of meat! They are beautiful, emotional, sensitive and strong creatures, that need to feel loved. And that can often include feeling protected by a man.
Men and women are different not the same, physically and emotionally. Men have certain strengths, so do women. Neither are better than the other or worse.
By ourselves we are not complete, but together we are. When a mature and acceptable man and a lovely, respectful woman get together, they complete each other.  Women don’t have the same strengths as men, such as physical strength, which is why that strength should be used to help women, not hurt!
And men don’t have the same strengths as women, such as that feminine touch. A single soft kiss or touch from a lovely lady is unbelievable, and unspeakable. Women have that power to look into the eyes of another and say everything that needs to be said without a word.
There shouldn’t be one that is respected and honoured more than the other; it should be even, but in different ways.
Some women really do deserve every rose, every cuddle, but then again there are those that don’t even deserve mud. Some men deserve every kiss, but then there are those that don’t deserve life!
In the end we need to respect and honour each other, in the way we wish to be. If you find that right person, don’t you think they would deserve it?   

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


This blog isn’t about that much, just need to express my feelings if that’s ok :)
Well, I’ll start at the beginning shall I :)

In grade 10, I did some work experience at a vet surgery.  In the middle of the week two adorable little 5 week old orphan kittens came in, they were abandoned by their mother and left on the side of the road, then brought in because one of them (tinker) was stood on. Anyways they were both so adorable and small; one of them (bell) just ate and ate! She was and still is a little fatty, and the other one (tink) would sit in the corner of the cage and rock, so cute!!
Anyways they didn’t have a home so I offered to look after them until we found them a home. Well guess what, they never found one so we kept the little angels ;) and we called them tinker and bell. Both my adorable little mysterious babies! :)
Anyways we’ve loved them and they’ve loved us for over two years now.
But unfortunately my little baby tinker jumped into the neighbour’s yard and was viciously milled by the dogs on the holidays. :(
All I remember is having this gut feeling that can’t be explained and knowing that something was wrong, I ran out to the deck, I saw our dog honey trying to get over the fence to protect tink, and then my brother jumping back over the fence with little tink in his arm, I could see from the deck she had a broken leg and was torn up.
I ran inside grabbed some clothes then ran to the car, my brother was holding tink in a towel. Her eyes were big and she had froth around her mouth. As I approached her she looked up at me and I kissed her on the head and said, “Everything is going to be ok.”
As we drove to the vets, I kept saying, “She will be ok.” “Its gona be fine.” I said it over and over trying to convince myself that it WILL be ok, even tho I had a strong feeling it wouldn’t be ok.
I kept looking back at tink in my brother’s arms, she was happy and comfortable to be in his arms even tho she was all torn up.
By the time we got there it was too late, she had slowly drifted off into a sleep she will never awake from.
 It’s hard even for me to type about it, but I’m feeling a little better :) I haven’t really spoken about it before till today, I was trying not to think about it too much cause it hurts. But last term I made an art piece and I took it home today and it had a picture of tink on it, and as I looked at it, it hit me. I talked a little about it to my friend sitting next to me, but I had to stop, uno?
But I can never forget it, that morning I was on the deck patting the dogs and she was there, so adorable, she was lying upside down playing and chewing on a piece of rope. Twas so cute! She was so young and alive! But it only took a few seconds for her to be gone, and that image of her with the rope sticks in my mind, she was so happy, :) and its good cause she had a very happy life, but it’s sad that it was taken away so quickly and early.
And that also got me thinking, life can be so short, so live it to the full! And spend each moment with your loved ones like it’s your last! :)